
I use two processes to uplift, inspire and heal the heart:

  • the holistic practices of Angel Intuitive counseling and
  • the scientifically validated practices, tools and techniques developed by the Institute of HeartMath®

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In my Angel Intuitive practice, I connect with the angelic realm providing perspectives and inputs that are not commonly accessed. The angelic realm is not a new-age concept reserved only for those who frequent incense filled bookstores and fairs. Angels and spirit guides have been documented in most cultures and major spiritual texts for thousands of years, and they stand ready to help us in our earthly experiences. I teach clients how to establish a connection with their own guides. I provide a bridge from the daily grind of responsibility and schedules to the invisible world where peace is the ultimate transmitter for love. I introduce individuals to their guides and help them develop a relationship with them.

5 Benefits of an Angel Intuitive Reading:

  1. Feel uplifted to live your extraordinary life to the fullest.
  2. Be inspired for new possibilities.
  3. Experience connection with your angels and their love for you and your life.
  4. Gain insights to help with decisions for next steps related to common questions in life (career, relationship, well-being).
  5. Transform worry into empowerment.

Sell your cleverness,
And purchase bewilderment.

What you can expect during your Angel Intuitive Session:

During your session I will guide you to connect with your essential energy source to support you as we explore insights into the answers you seek. Sometimes clients don’t have a specific question and are looking for some general direction on “what’s up in my life?.” And that is a fine place to start. Often clients have specific questions about their life purpose and career and finances, or relationships and romance, or health and well-being. We’ll start with an inquiry and open the portal to the insights that await you.

The Angels communicate in a myriad of ways and I use a variety of techniques to tune into the universal language of the heart. Your session is more of a dialogue, where you can ask questions and start an ongoing conversation with your Angels and guides.

Clients find these sessions so powerful, that they schedule follow-up sessions to continue developing their relationship and communication channels with their Angels.


HeartMath Coaching 

In my coaching practice I use the scientifically validated practices, tools and techniques of HeartMath to empower individuals to transform stress from the master into the messenger. I help guide them to create mental, emotional, and physical coherence within the reality of daily daunting demands.  I have found these tools to be transformational in dealing with our modern life-style which leaves most people feeling depleted, exhausted and often depressed from chronic stress.

What if you could experience more health, vitality and sense of fulfillment? What would that be like? ……. How would your life change?

What if you had practical practices for dealing with subtle and overt obstacles?  What would that be like? ……. How would your reactions change?

What if you could connect with that ‘sweet spot’ of productivity, creativity and clarity? What would that be like? ……. How would your feeling of fulfillment change? 

5 Benefits of learning to access your heart’s intelligence:

  1. Reduce stress to create more space and time for what you love.
  2. Experience more vitality in relationships, career, family and friends.
  3. Expand your capacity to integrate all aspects of your heart’s wisdom.
  4. Achieve more without the consequences of ‘more is better’.
  5. Ignite and sustain a sense of fulfillment in your extraordinary life.


The Institute of HeartMath has dedicated over 20 years of scientific research on the effects of stress on the quality of our physical and emotional health.  Using the scientifically validated practices of HeartMath programs you can transform the effects of stress to meet everyday challenges in the moment they occur.

  • Increase mental clarity, focus
  • Improve creativity
  • Recognize and redirect emotional responses, especially anxiety, fear, anger and frustration
  • Integrate the power of heart intelligence
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Reduce the speed of the aging process

I am a licensed HeartMath® Coach and can guide you to achieve these results.

What you can expect during your HeartMath® Sessions:

We will start by exploring your needs and intentions and crafting a program that best meets your desired outcomes. Your program will be tailored to address your specific areas of focus, such as personal transformation, career path, health improvement or antidotes for everyday stress.  We schedule a series of four to five private sessions during which you will learn the skills and practices and have the opportunity to apply them to everyday situations.

“The HeartMath process could save you years of therapy.”
Deepak Chopra, MD
Global leader and pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine

“This is the owner’s manual we’ve been waiting for to help us recognize and use our heart’s energy to help heal our bodies and our lives.”
Christiane Northrup, MD, visionary pioneer and the world’s leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness.
Author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom


HeartCircleHeart Circles

Heart Circles are customized for those who want ongoing support and value being among other seekers in small groups. The duration of a Heart Circle ranges based on the needs and interests of the group. Usually they are half or full-day events. There are no pre-requisites for attendance, however, it is helpful to have some grounding in the HeartMath® practices.  Topics include:

    • Connecting with your Angels and guides
    • Moving meditations
    • Living inquiries
    • Creative expressions
    • Life purpose explorations


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Transformation Services

I work with organizations to translate major corporate initiatives into high impact organization development processes and practical learning solutions. Together, we apply a holistic approach for addressing staff development, leadership effectiveness, team performance and organizational effectiveness.

  • Vitality Coach for Personal and Leadership Performance:
    • Strategies for Personal Transformation and Coherent Performance (HeartMath programs)
    • Positive Change Strategies using Appreciative Inquiry
    • Career Transition
    • 360 Assessments
  • Trainer – Speaker
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Instructional Design and Development
  • Project Management

What you can expect from my services:

My services are designed to help each person realize their birthright to sustained mental and emotional coherence, more peace, fulfillment and vitality in their lives.


HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.