
Are you feeling fulfilled in your life, career, and relationships?

Have stress, frustration, and anxiety become a way of life for you?

Do you catch yourself daydreaming of how to have more peace, purpose and prosperity?


Just imagine for a moment……

….that you had access to a deeper wisdom to help guide you on your life’s path? What would that be like?….How would your life be enriched?

….that you had practical practices that were easy to use and enhanced your ability to experience more joy in life? What would that be like?….How would your life flourish?

….that you could transform stress from the master to the messenger? What would that be like?…..How would you be freed up for greater self-expression?

Now here’s the really juicy question….

What if the relief you seek is just a heart-beat away?

Would you be interested in consistently experiencing peace – relief – clarity of purpose – fulfillment and even Joy – Vitality and Passion?

I would love to help you break through outdated beliefs and limitations and ask the questions that guide you to a richer and fuller life. Through dialogue with angels and your heart’s wisdom you can become re-acquainted with your true self, the gifts that are unique to you, and the untapped reservoirs of joy, creativity, peace and fulfillment.

People reach out for help for basically four reasons. Do any of these sound like you?

  • You are sick and tired (literally, physically, mentally and emotionally) of feeling sick and tired.
  • You want to feel more peace in all aspects of your life (work, family, finances and relationships).
  • You remember that elated, delicious, joyful feeling you get when you love what you’re doing and you want to rekindle it.
  • You are willing to do something for yourself because you know deep down inside that it’s time.
If these statements resonate with you, then I’m the guide for you – into the world of fulfillment you seek – offering a lantern on the path – because I have been there!

You see, I had bought into the paradigm that ‘more is better’ – that I had to figure everything out myself – that the only one I could count on was me – and that stress was just a way of life. I knew there had to be another way to live and to experience that elusive place where peace and grace are a lifestyle and not an occasional happenstance.

Because I care so much for people in this circumstance I have redirected my life force to help others find their brilliance and transform their life experience.

Uplift ~ Inspire ~ and Heal Your Heart
to Live an Extraordinary Life!

I am Lydia Gracing, Certified Heart Guide and Angel Intuitive. I provide intuitive counseling to uplift, inspire and heal the heart. I provide a bridge to another realm to help you connect with the wisdom in your heart, reverse the effects of stress and meet everyday challenges in the moment they occur so you can experience more health and vitality.

It’s the ultimate anti-aging formula!

Isn’t it high time you re-ignited your heart’s desires?


Three easy steps to get started today:

  1. Sign up for Connect with Your Angels Now.
    You’ll receive two audio downloads and the same in written form giving you guidance on how to gain insights, experience relief and transform worry to empowerment.
  1. Listen (or read) the downloads.
    I know that may sound silly, but you and I both know that there are times when you request something and then you don’t do anything with it! What you’ll receive is more than just a meditation. It’ll help you start to develop a practice of connecting with the wisdom that is available to you at any moment. And in time, you’ll start to see the results!
  1. Sign up for a Gracing With Lydia session.  Give yourself the experience of being supported on the path to feeling uplifted, inspired and on-purpose.